Algorithm will process
your data

Please wait patiently as our algorithm meticulously integrates your data with market insights. This process typically completes within 2 hours, but in some cases may take up to 12 hours. Once finalized, you will receive an email containing a comprehensive analysis and details of all service features. Thank you for your patience.

Gathering data

We compile data on interest rates from many sources, assess it, and contrast it with yours.


The report is supported by concrete figures related to the amount of savings, reduction of monthly installments or shortening of the repayment period.


The email you will receive is comprehensive and shows you the savings you can achieve.

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What is loan refinancing?

Loan refinancing is the process of replacing an existing loan with a new loan with more favorable terms. This may include reducing the interest rate, extending the repayment period or changing the type of loan.

When is the best time to refinance a loan?

The best time to refinance a loan depends on several factors, such as current interest rates, length of loan repayment and current financial situation. It is usually recommended to refinance a loan when interest rates drop by at least 0.5%-1% compared to the existing loan.

How is the interest rate determined?

The interest rate is usually determined based on market conditions, i.e. supply and demand for loans. A bank or other lender takes into account factors such as risk, inflation, currency exchange rates and other factors to determine the interest rate.

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